Donate - Just Compassion
You can safely make a contribution online in a number of ways using any major credit card by clicking an option in the "Donate Online" section below. Depending on your choice, you will then be sent to either our PayPal account page or Payments through Facebook page. Both are completely secure. Enter any amount you wish to contribute. You can be assured that at least 91% of every dollar you generously donate will go directly to the children and families living in Appalachia and other remote areas of the Eastern United States who need critical dental and medical care provided by Just Compassion, Inc.
If you would like to make a contribution by check, money order, or some other method please send your contribution to:
Just Compassion, Inc.
3000 Scarsborough Drive
Richmond, VA 23235-2250 USA
Phone: (804) 317-5067 / (804) 317-5071 or E-mail: /
Donate Online
Via Facebook
A 501(c)3 Company
Just Compassion has received final notification of approval from the Commonwealth of Virginia and the IRS regarding the company's 501(c)3 non-profit status. The mission of Just Compassion will depend on the generous, tax-deductible contributions from individuals and corporations.
IRS Tax Organization complete information